

  • Disseminate research findings and new production technologies
  • Conduct capacity needs assessment in the nuts and oil Crops value chain growing counties;
  • Develop the capacity of County Government Extension staff and other stakeholders on various technical aspects for nuts and oil crops value chains;
  • Develop and review training curriculum and training modules for use in capacity building exercises for Nuts and oil Crops;
  • Develop and review technical materials (Hand books, booklets, pictorials, charts, and brochures, etc.) for nuts and oil crops;
  • Building capacity on good agricultural practices in nuts and oil crops by conducting farm demonstrations, field days, agricultural shows, farm visits;
  • Collect, collate data and maintain the database for nuts and oil crops;
  • Establish linkages with various governments and private research institutions to determine research priorities in nuts and oil crops and to advise generally on research thereof;
  • Establish model demonstration farms and nurseries in potential production areas for farmers practical trainings
  • Facilitate access to high quality planting materials
  • Provide pests and disease management guidelines